Friday, April 19, 2013


I've become one of those people who read like 5 books at a time. I didn't use to be that way, and its not that I like read one chapter of one then a chapter of another, I don't actually read them at the same time for the most part. Mostly It's either I get bored/lose interest and stop until I get in the mood for it again or I get a new book that I want to read right away and so I stop whatever I'm reading to read the new one or sometimes I get too involved (Read: Obsessed) with a book and make myself stop reading it for a few days, yeah I have issues.
So, besides reading to many books at once recently, I've also come to realize that I buy to many books, I spend basically all of my money on books, plus I'll like clean my brothers rooms for them to buy me a new book, I have a real problem. I know what your thinking, why not just go to the library but we have one library close to where I live and it sucks, so that's not really an option. But its not just that I spend to much on books but the fact that my TBR pile is like 50 or more books and my brother is threatening to cut me off.
 Yeah my mom cant cut me off because she's just as bad as me. So, my brother is helping me through this and I'm helping him with his video game addiction.
The point is I have a problem and that problem is that I'm obsessed with books. But admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery, right?
So, you know in Wreck It Ralph they have the 'Bad Guy Affirmation' I made one for people working on overcoming Book-A-Holism:

"I am a Book-A-Holic, but I am getting better.
I know that there is no such thing as too many books, but try telling my wallet that,
I can buy books, but only in moderation and only once I've finished at least half of my TBR pile,
There is more to life than books....probably,
I am a Read-A-Holic and that is not a bad thing,
I am a Book-A-Holic but I can change....maybe."

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