Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Ultimate Delirium Fan Contest Update!

Can you guess who won the Ultimate Delirium Fan Contest hosted by EpicReads? I'll give you a few seconds to think.........................................................................................................................
I DID! Thats right I am The Ultimate Delirium Fan! This is hands down the coolest thing that I have ever won, and not just because of the cool prizes (For the Grand Prize Winner...Moi!) honestly I'd be happy without the prizes, I just think its awesome that they picked my video, something that I put allot of thought into and spent quite a bit of time perfecting, that to me is what makes it so awesome. Plus the books are some of my favorite and I'm really passionate about them and I love them so much, which is why I entered the contest in the first place. Plus now I can say that I am Officially The Ultimate Delirium Fan!
Sooo, this is the link to the EpicReads blog post where they announced the winner - http://www.epicreads.com/blog/ultimate-delirium-fan-contest-winners/
You can watch my winning video here^ or here - http://theblogoftheteenagenobody.blogspot.com/2013/04/ultimatedeliriumfan-contest-entry.html
And don't for get that I have a giveaway going (which no one has entered and it is very depressing =[ ) which includes a copy of the first Delirium book, you can find it by clicking on the giveaway tab up top or click here-
http://theblogoftheteenagenobody.blogspot.com/p/giveaways.html , so go forth and enter!
Wow, that was allot of links! =)

And, yes I did post the exact same thing on my other blog. =P

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